FRIDAY, October 11
Session 1: “Therefore, go…”
Friday Night. 8 PM
Worship: Jonathan Traylor
Speaker: Pastor YaNi Davis
Concert: Angie Rose
Yoga Chapel: Alternative activity instead of the evening concert
SATURDAY, October 12
Saturday Morning, 9 AM:
OPTIONAL Youth Leader Meeting in Ballroom C
Session 2: “And make…”
Saturday Morning. 10 AM
Worship: Jonathan Traylor
Speaker: Kate Monahan
Saturday Afternoon Workshops. 2 PM
Ballroom A: Meet and Greet with Speaker YaNi Davis
Ballroom B: Meet and Greet with Speaker Joe Kim
Ballroom C: Meet and Greet with Speaker Kate Monahan
East Hall Deck: Open Mic
Saturday Afternoon Activities. 3:30 PM
Ballroom A: Mission Project: Christmas Cards for People in Prison
Ballroom B: Go & Flow
Ballroom C: Youth Leader Workshop
East Hall Deck: Open Mic
Session 3: “Disciples…”
Saturday Night. 7 PM
Worship: Jonathan Traylor
Speaker: Rev. Joe Kim
Small Group Time
Yoga Chapel: Alternative activity instead of Small Group Time
SUNDAY, October 13
Sunday Morning, 9 AM:
OPTIONAL Youth Leader Meeting in Ballroom C
Session 4: “Of all nations.”
Sunday Morning. 10 AM
Worship: Jonathan Traylor
Speaker: Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi.
Communion: Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi
The Wildwoods Convention Center
4501 Boardwalk
Wildwood, NJ
WEST HALL: Sessions
EAST HALL: Open Mic & Yoga Chapel
BALLROOMS: Workshops