FRIDAY, October 11

Session 1: “Therefore, go…”
Friday Night. 8 PM

  • Worship: Jonathan Traylor

  • Speaker: Pastor YaNi Davis

  • Concert: Angie Rose

  • Yoga Chapel: Alternative activity instead of the evening concert (on the East Hall Deck)

SATURDAY, October 12

Saturday Morning, 9 AM:
OPTIONAL Youth Leader Meeting in Ballroom C

Session 2: “And make…”
Saturday Morning. 10 AM

  • Worship: Jonathan Traylor

  • Speaker: Kate Monahan

Saturday Afternoon Workshops. 2 PM

  • Ballroom A: Meet and Greet with Speaker YaNi Davis

  • Ballroom B: Meet and Greet with Speaker Joe Kim

  • Ballroom C: Meet and Greet with Speaker Kate Monahan

  • East Hall Deck: Open Mic

Saturday Afternoon Activities. 3:30 PM

  • Ballroom A: Mission Project: Christmas Cards for People in Prison

  • Ballroom B: Go & Flow

  • Ballroom C: Youth Leader Workshop

  • East Hall Deck: Open Mic

Session 3: “Disciples…”
Saturday Night. 7 PM

  • Worship: Jonathan Traylor

  • Speaker: Rev. Joe Kim

  • Small Group Time

  • Yoga Chapel: Alternative activity instead of Small Group Time (Ballroom B)

SUNDAY, October 13

Sunday Morning, 9 AM:
OPTIONAL Youth Leader Meeting in Ballroom C

Session 4: “Of all nations.”
Sunday Morning. 10 AM

  • Worship: Jonathan Traylor

  • Speaker: Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi.

  • Communion: Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi


Registration and check-in will be open on Friday, October 11 beginning at 5:00pm, located at the Wildwood Convention Center front entrance. At check-in, attendees will be given a lanyard which will grant access to all IGNITE events.


Parking is FREE at the Wildwood Convention Center


The Wildwoods Convention Center
4501 Boardwalk
Wildwood, NJ


WEST HALL: Sessions
EAST HALL: Open Mic & Yoga Chapel
BALLROOMS: Workshops


Joe D. Kim

Joseph (Joe) D. Kim serves as Lead Pastor of Bothell United Methodist Church. He has served in and with communities of faith for over 15 years, both in the non-profit sector and in the local church. He has traveled around the world as a speaker, preacher, workshop leader and facilitator, encouraging people of faith to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with God.  

Joe is the husband to an incredibly talented artist and justice-seeker, Joann; dad to their two amazing children; hiking companion to their dog, Leigh; and caretaker of their four chickens and modest farm (read: garden beds). Joe loves being outdoors and traveling, and enjoys all things music and sports. 


YaNi Davis

YaNi Davis is a graduate of Spelman College with a B.A. in English, Claremont School of Theology with a M.Div, and will graduate from Maryland Institute with a M.PS (Business of Art and Design) degree in May 2024. YaNi uses her words wisely as a Hip Hop artist, an inspiring speaker, an effective educator, a profound poet, a modern day prophet and multidisciplinary Creative. YaNi has been all around the world sharing her gifts from South Korea to Hyderabad India, around Europe and the US. YaNi is the founder of, My SupaNatural Life, an organization that provides education and wholistic care for people living with disabilities and their caregivers. 

YaNi has founded several spiritual communities/churches around the country, is the author of, Love Poems for Peace, is a kidney transplant survivor and is preparing to release their new book and album in the Summer of 2024. To connect with Pastor YaNi, head to


Kate Monahan

Rev. Kate Monahan is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church and has served in three churches in Greater NJ Annual Conference as lead pastor, as well as in children & youth ministry throughout her career. Currently, Kate is an Associate Superintendent in the Coastal Plains Region of GNJ and she is the Director of Mosaic Ministries, a program that works with high school, college, and theological school students across the state to explore their call to ministry and train them in leadership in local ministry settings.

Kate is passionate about helping people of all ages find their purpose and live into it! She is particularly interested in exploring how adolescent development, play, and spiritual practices that cultivate joy in our lives can maintain, clarify, and guide our purpose as individuals and organizations through seasons of disorientation and change. She also loves hanging out with her family & friends, baking, running, and a good practical joke every now and then!


Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi

Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi will challenge us to “Go and make disciples of all nations” in the Sunday morning session, which will end with communion and a final invitation to “Go!” and share the story of all that God is doing in your life and in the world around you. You can learn more about Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi in the following articles:

A New Chapter for EPA&GNJ: A Conversation with Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi

Get to Know Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi


Jonathan Traylor

The Dallas native, Jonathan Traylor is Gospel’s most talked about up and coming, ground breaking artist. The Capitol, CMG, Motown Gospel Recording Artist, accumulated one million streams on digital platforms within two months of the release of the Stones & Giants album. He has captured the hearts of Contemporary Christian music lovers with songs like “Purpose Over Pleasure” and “Masterpiece”.

Jonathan has been on tour with Jonathan McReynolds and shared stages with Kirk Franklin, Tasha Cobbs-Leonard, Travis Greene, Bethel Music and many more notable artists. He is a familiar face to The Exodus Festival by Kirk Franklin and the Together Conference. Offering a diverse sound with his music as well as his presentation of it, Jonathan Traylor is truly a unique fresh sound for the new generation.

Emcee & Concert:

Angie Rose

Angie Rose is a dynamic powerhouse multi genre artist from the Bronx. Her message of inspiration is consistent although the sounds are diverse. Hailing from Puerto Rican roots, this Latina inspires her fans to be unstoppable through a combination of raw energy and undaunted lyrics.

Her music promotes diversity and overcoming all obstacles, pulling from traumatic experiences with loss, drugs, alcohol abuse and more, she inspires us all to find healing in Jesus and never give up on purpose.

General Board of Global Ministries

Global Mission Fellows

Global Mission Fellows are young adults ages 20-30 from all over the world who spend 2 years living and working with a local community on issues of social injustice.

Fellows partner with community organizations to address a variety of issues including education, food justice, health and migration. We invite young adults around the world to See Differently and Serve Differently.

If you or a young person in your life are passionate about alleviating suffering in the world and looking for a way to put your faith into action, consider applying for the Global Mission Fellows program at  

The Global Mission Fellows Applications are OPEN NOW!

Applications for our 2025-2027 cohort close on January 15, 2025!  

Participation in the Global Mission Fellows Program requires conversational level English language skills.  

United in Mission (U.M. Army)

Wesley Theological Seminary

MidWinter Advance

Friday Night.

9:30 PM on the East Hall Deck. Yoga Chapel: An Alternative Worship Experience.
Instead of the Friday night concert, join us for an alternative worship experience as we embody the great commission through Go & Flow, a combination of yoga and the movement of the Holy Spirit, that blends scripture with movement and mindfulness.

Saturday Afternoon Workshops. 2 - 3 PM.

Ballroom A: Meet and Greet with Speaker YaNi Davis

Ballroom B: Meet and Greet with Speaker Joe Kim

Ballroom C: Meet and Greet with Speaker Kate Monahan

East Hall Deck: Open Mic
Come and share your gift! Read a poem, sing a song, play music, share your story… There are so many talented people at IGNITE and we want to hear your voice!

Saturday Afternoon Workshops. 3:30 - 4:30 PM.

Ballroom A: Mission Project: Christmas Cards for People in Prison
Imagine being away from your loved ones for Christmas. No tree. No gifts. No family meal. Members of the Prison Ministries and Restorative Justice Team in Eastern PA and Greater NJ will lead a time of learning, discussion and writing Christmas cards for people experiencing incarceration. Groups will be able to drop in or come and go to participate in this brief project.

Ballroom B: Go & Flow: Integrating Faith and Movement in Everyday Life
This workshop invites participants to dive deeper into the intersection of faith and physical practice. We will explore how the teachings of Matthew 28:16-20, particularly the call to "Go," can be embodied through the mindful movement of yoga. Participants will engage in guided yoga sessions, reflective practices and guided discussions to explore how movement, breath, meditation and prayer can be used as a spiritual discipline that supports living out their faith in their daily lives, carrying the message of the Great Commission into the world with intention and grace.

Ballroom C: Youth Leader Workshop: All Things About Ministry with Volunteers with Chris Wilterdink
The more volunteers and supporters you have in youth ministry, the lighter the loads of planning and responsibility feel. Maintaining relationships with existing volunteers is an underappreciated aspect of youth ministry. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to identify potential volunteers, develop the four essential elements of defining a volunteer position, how to support the life cycle of a volunteer, establish ways to help volunteers evaluate their effectiveness, recognize the needs for training, and create effective means to show your appreciation for their generosity.

East Hall Deck: Open Mic
Come and share your gift! Read a poem, sing a song, play music, share your story… There are so many talented people at IGNITE and we want to hear your voice!

Saturday Night. 9 PM.

Ballroom B: Yoga Chapel: An Alternative Worship Experience.
After the Saturday evening Main Stage Session, join us for an alternative worship experience as we embody the great commission through Go & Flow, a combination of yoga and the movement of the Holy Spirit, that blends scripture with movement and mindfulness.

Creating community and belonging, asking questions, growing supportive inter-generational relationships, and processing together have been proven to make a significant difference in the faith formation of young people. Small group discussions are a GREAT way to do all of these things! During IGNITE, we encourage you to gather as a youth group, or break into smaller groups, for conversation.

Word of Encouragement:

You play a vital role in creating a safe and welcoming space for youth to explore their faith and ask questions. Your presence and guidance make a significant impact on their spiritual journey.

Tips, Tricks, and Practical Advice:

  1. Be Present and Engaged: Put away distractions, actively listen, and show genuine interest in what the youth are sharing.

  2. Create a Safe Space: Encourage open and honest sharing, and assure the youth that their thoughts and feelings are valued and respected.

  3. Be Authentic: Let your personality shine through and allow the youth to be themselves. Authenticity fosters trust and connection.

  4. Facilitate, Don't Dominate: Guide the conversation, but allow the youth to take ownership of the discussion. Ask open-ended questions that encourage them to think critically and share their perspectives.

  5. Pray Together: Begin and end your small group time with prayer, inviting God's presence and guidance.

Some Discussion Questions you can use throughout IGNITE 2024:

  1. Start with prayer and then read the scripture together: Matthew 28:16-20

  2. What has been your favorite part of IGNITE so far? Why?

  3. What does it mean to "make disciples"?

  4. How does this Great Commission relate to our own faith journey?

  5. How can we support and encourage one another in fulfilling the Great Commission?

  6. How can our church be more intentional about fulfilling the Great Commission?

  7. What did you experience on Saturday night during prayer time?

  8. How can we pray for you and one another?

  9. What is something you are taking away from this weekend?

  10. Let’s talk about action steps that we can work toward at home - Finish the sentence: “Because of IGNITE, I will…”

Remember: These questions are just a starting point. Feel free to adapt them to fit the needs and interests of your small group. The most important thing is to create a space for meaningful conversation and exploration of the Great Commission.

Throughout the weekend, you will need to provide your group with:

  • Friday: dinner

  • Saturday: breakfast, lunch, dinner

  • Sunday: breakfast, lunch (depending on how far you live from Wildwood)

Here are some great food options for your group during the IGNITE weekend:

  • Hybrid – Group members purchase their own fast-food meals on traveling days (Friday dinner & Sunday lunch), and you provide or purchase all Saturday meals & Sunday breakfast out of previously collected money or your youth ministry budget. Another idea would be to take a church offering in your Sunday service so that your church can bless the lives (and stomachs!) of their youth.

  • All meals provided – You provide or purchase all meals for the weekend out of previously collected money or your youth ministry budget.

  • No meals provided – You do not include the cost of food in the amount of money you collect from your group, and group members are responsible for purchasing all of their own meals for the weekend.

If you plan to make some of your own meals, we recommend asking your congregation to donate food for the weekend. Some examples of donations:

  • Mini-bagels with cream cheese, cereal with milk for breakfast, fruit, or donuts for breakfast

  • Bread, lunch meat, peanut/sun butter and jelly (be mindful of allergies in your group), chips, fruit, or a veggie tray for lunch

  • Salad, lasagna, baked ziti, rolls, brownies, or cookies for dinner

  • Paper plates, disposable silverware, and paper towels

Ask your students to each bring their own reusable water bottle

If you plan to eat out for one or more meals, we recommend researching restaurants ahead of time! We have provided a starter list of restaurants in Wildwood, NJ but still suggest that you call establishments before the trip to make sure they will be open and can accommodate your group. Try to book a reservation for your group, based on the IGNITE schedule for the weekend.

The Wildwoods Convention Center does not permit visitors to enter with food from outside the center. There is a concession stand inside the convention center.

During The Conference

  • Keep up to date with the IGNITE program for event schedule

  • Spend time with your church group

  • Engage in workshops and activities

  • Visit vendors and booths

  • Explore the local community

Attractions In Wildwood

Many groups plan to arrive early or stay after the conference to enjoy the local sites and activities.

  • Wildwood Boardwalk

  • Seaport Aquarium

  • Doo Wop Preservation League Museum

  • Cape May Zoo

Self-Guided Group Activities

Check out the following PDFs for activities your group can do together on Saturday afternoon: